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OSTF 1-3-2005

                                    OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE MINUTES

Meeting of January 3, 2005

Meeting Called To Order:  5:32p.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:50p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Herb Asplund, Marcia Banach, Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Mike Gantick, Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Karl Reichle, Betty Warren

MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Heffler, Betty Osborne, Jim Snow

·       Minutes from the November 1, 2004 were unanimously accepted.
·       NOTE:  December 6, 2004 meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather.  Therefore, there are no December minutes.

·       Botteron noted that the Task Force’s prior review of the Joseph Lane open space was modified before it went to Town Council. The Task Force initial review included a statement that the open space was adjacent to land targeted for acquisition in the Task Force’s Master Plan. The open space itself does not abut the target property. The consensus of the group has not changed and it is still desirable as Town owned subdivision open space.

·       Botteron spoke with the Town Manager and he felt the three properties reviewed in November (Joseph Lane subdivision property on Nevers Road, Collins parcel on Strong Road and Giannamore parcel on Route 5) would go before Executive Session at the January 18th. Town Council Meeting.

·       Reichle reported that a resident in the Deming Hill Estates subdivision phoned to inform him that a tree fell from the open space into his yard.  Upon investigation, Reichle concluded that the tree was the property of the South Windsor Land Trust.  Reichle proceeded to speak with Tim Shepard of the Land Trust about this matter.  Shepperd will follow-up about the removal of this fallen tree.

·       Warren asked Reichle the status of clear cutting foliage on the Town owned park on Lawrence and Dart Hill Road.  Reichle responded that the case is still pending in the Court system.

·       Asplund reported that he prepared a cost analysis of revenue vs. expenditures from a “typical” newer subdivision: Deming Hill Estates. He obtained from the Board of Education an exact number of children from an exact number of houses on the subdivision streets: from 113 homes there are 150 students that attend the various South Windsor Schools.  Asplund determined the average tax revenue per house as well as the actual cost to educate each student per year.  Asplund’s calculations demonstrated that the revenue received is about half the actual cost of educating the students. These figures are relevant for Council when making a decision on preserving open space.

Botteron spoke with David Platt of Murtha Cullina, LLP, and gave him two dates in February that he could address the Council on methods and means used for preservation.  Warren will do likewise with Jay Dipple of the State’s Agriculture Department to see if Dipple will address the Council on the cost effectiveness of the purchase of Agriculture Development Rights.

·       Botteron and Banach reported the one-acre Nagy property on Sally Drive, which was listed as a target property for Town ownership in the Open Space Master Plan, has been sold. This parcel abuts the Podunk River and breaks the contiguity of the Town owned subdivision open space. The realtor offered the parcel to the Town, however, a cash buyer came forward who was willing to pay more than the asking price and close in a rapid time frame. Unfortunately, the Town cannot compete with that type of buyer.  As of this time, however, it has not been determined if this parcel can be built upon.  The Task Force will be updated by staff.

Next Regular Meeting is scheduled for February 7, 2005